healing the energy field

If you are interested in clearing your energetic field to improve your wellbeing, you have come to the right place. everything that exists can be observed in the energy field and its many layers. from here, we can review and close soul agreements, rebalance, remove anything that is harmful to you, and free up more of our own natural energy for you to heal, love, and live. these healing sessions are done remotely from the comfort of your own home, or can be arranged by consultation to be done privately in person in the northwest, midlands, or southwest of England.

The Quantum Energy Healing Pathway

  1. Initial Consultation - £8

We will have a quick 15-30 minute call to discuss your needs, your history, your expectations, and your goals for the quantum energy work that will take place. This will help me assess the right pathway for you, whether you are looking to heal complex issues, address energetic infiltration, or activate more deeply into your abilities.

2. The First Session - £222

The first session will be 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on your needs and expectations. It will give us time to attune to eachother, address any major blockages or infiltrations that are blocking the proper flow and balancing of your energy body. This session will be about getting you up to functional state and allowing for your field to begin the process of reintegration and self-healing. spending more time on this first session ensures that the progress you have made is stable.

3. Onward to Healing - £133-£222 ea.

Follow up / further sessions will address going deeper into the self, healing complex traumas, quantum and timeline work, ancestral work, cellular/DNA activations and clearings, newly presented energetic attacks, or all else (90-120 mins). For existing clients, there is the option of a 60 minutes ‘top up’ session to cover new minor issues or light energetic infiltrations.

for those of you committed to your own healing practice and working with this quantum energy healing pathway, generous discounts are available for booking packages of 3 sessions or more.

advanced healing + targeted individuals

often we are in need of some advanced healing support. many of us, for whatever reason, encounter painful and difficult blocks on our journey. this can include deeply embedded energetic cords, timeline breaks or loops, demonic infiltration, specified or unspecified targeting, or AI interference. maybe you have experienced consciousness fragmenting as a result of abuse, past history with psychedelic use, or targeted energetic interference. if this is you, you will know it. this type of healing is deep and may require several sessions to complete and integrate, but the goal is to move forward, fully healed and in true energetic soul self sovereignty.

feedback from clients

my energy surgery session was such an eye opening and wonderful experience. iael is very talented and gifted, she covered so many issues i had throughout my whole life, many of them i’ve never told anyone about and all i can say is that she was spot on. my overall health has significantly improved immediately after the session. she also gave me a clear view of who i am, why i am here, and why certain things happened the way that they did. i feel happier, more peaceful, confident, and ready to face the future knowing all that. i’m so glad i had this session done and would totally recommend it to everyone.”

Carmen L.

“it took about 24 hours for the momentum of the old mind habits to slow, but I am settling it nicely. knee feels noticeably better too!”

Kyle Z